rebellious lawyering
so I’ve been meaning to write about the reblaw conference I went to a couple of weeks ago (don’t mind the horrible-looking website), because it gave me fresh inspiration to study law again, and reminded me why I quit my job to come to law school. about a dozen of us headed down for the conference, which was held over … Read More
happy birthday tiananmen
The last of the men who threw paint at Mao’s portrait in tiananmen during the protests in 1989 was released from prison yesterday, now mentally ill from beatings and solitary confinement. He was originally imprisoned for sabotage, counter-revolutionary propaganda, and “very avant-garde views on art”. Some friends and I went to tiananmen last June 4 to see if there would … Read More
moot suit
everyone is freaking out at school (I mean, more than usual)–all because we have a factum to prepare for tuesday (the prof called it our ‘valentine’ for her, the humour of which was lost on us). Anyway we get to moot it in a few weeks, which should be fun. And what exactly do I get to research? … Aujourd’hui, … Read More
separatist restos in montreal
I really miss this kind of food–there are muslim restaurants all over beijing, whose specialty is lamb, lamb, and lots of lamb. After I came back I tried an older xinjiang restaurant on côte-des-neiges, and was refreshed by the waitress and her distinctive accent when she greeted us in chinese: the xinjiang people are both beautiful and multilingual (as most … Read More
I was looking for toothpaste in taipei, and I laughed as soon as I saw this. 黑人 means “black man” — and I like how the english translation is just a shade off of ‘darkie’. Not in Canada, indeed.
stormtrooper in tokyo
this is way too funny… a blog chronicling jaunts through tokyo dressed as a stormtrooper (with videos too!) “Even a Stormtrooper needs some grub from time to time and what better than a bowl of Ramen (noodles). Eating in the armor can be a bit tough but if you can find a place with stools instead of chairs then you … Read More
did I just hear that right?
Jeffrey Sachs, who works on economics and poverty reduction (whose writing had largely influenced my decision to law school), just said on that one ‘technological solution’ to address climate change from atmospheric carbon dioxide is capturing CO2 from coal-burning plants and pumping it to a safe-place underground so that it doesn’t affect the atmosphere. wtf!
yasukuni again
ok, I’ve been trying to stay neutral in this whole japan-china national sentiment thing, but the japanese foreign minister saying the emperor should visit the yasukuni shrine is just ridiculous. I don’t get how the Japanese government still can’t see this has a giant PR disaster.
these are the people in your neighbourhood…
mount royal: it’s funny how 34% having english as a mother tongue constitutes a “large anglophone population”. 45% are immigrants. most probably a sure liberal riding again — guess Cotler’s office at the law faculty will remain empty… (cool, I didn’t know he helped start up project genesis)
frictionless surfaces
not just an exercise in physics… so the other day it was freakout everything covered in sheets of ice. but I, taking the metro, had no problems getting to school, much to the amazement of anyone I ran into there (I’m still making my way around town with a cane, which everyone loves btw). all to say, it was rather … Read More