big print
tired of staring at our empty walls, I somewhat impulsively went onto japan photo’s website last night and ordered a 60cm x 90cm print of this photo: if it turns out okay, our apartment may get filled up rather quickly… maybe this is the solution to that needed coat of paint!
fake tv
latest cool thing at the gadget store: FakeTV simulates the light of a real HDTV television. From outside the house, it looks like someone is home watching TV and the burglar is encouraged to pick an easier target.
switched to wordpress
my frustration with comment spam + my newly found free time = my decision to make the switch to wordpress. pretty swanky, but a pain to transfer all my photos… slowly chugging through but it will be awhile before all the old photos properly show up. my old blog can still be accessed here.
corporate water use
from fort mcmurray to taipei, and dow to coca-cola.
postcards from yo momma
I think you should just be able to say no to [redacted]. It shouldn’t be a surprise to her that you wouldn’t want to spend a weekend with her sorority sisters. But I can also look into your wisdom teeth out that weekend if you want. When will you be home? Love, Mom
proportion living in poverty proportion living on over PPP $200 a day proportion of mopeds and motorcycles proportion of species that became extinct between 1500-2004
class auction
Wharton takes it one step further, allowing students to sell their courses (for points) to other students. It’s all done through a Web site. Buyers and sellers are anonymous, so buddies can’t make deals. Wharton also uses a second-price auction in which the highest bidder wins, but he or she pays the amount of the second-highest bid. Economists like the … Read More
there you go
a storybook on development.
ayiti: the cost of life
unicef’s online game this time: your goal is to help the Guinard family get an education and improve their lives.