st. laurent at 5 am
filled with snuffleupagus-like sidewalk cleaners, whizzing by schwartz’s and segal’s, sucking up coffeecups, cigarettes, and somebody’s school notes. I’ve hit the 20-page mark on paper no. 1. hooray!
late metro rides
it’s a curious group of people on the metro this 11 pm. some are reading like the normal rush hour crowd; others look dazed, as if they don’t know why they’re there; still others who are tired and want to be home and even their clothes look like they’ve been worn for slightly too long a day. 15 down, 45 … Read More
“…united for a better world”
from the irritating waving flag to the cheesy font for “we the people”, the charter of the united nations webpage is so annoying!! someone needs to die
canadians are allergic to controversy
…a soundbite from a speech by Justice Abella that I just got back from. all the bigwigs were out, including Justice Fish, bernard shapiro, dick pound, heather munroe-blum, and other hotshots in the mcgill community. Dean Kasirer as usual showed off his ever-bilingual canny speech-giving abilities. at any rate, it was wonderful to meet justice abella afterwards and see how … Read More
haircut 2006
S and I got our hair cut at tornade today. she asked a few of us if we were up to getting our hair cut for six bucks, and apparently I was the only one up for it. so it’s either an asian thing or an engineering thing, we both aren’t sure. mentor/teacher, coiffee, coiffeuse-in-training anyway, tornade is a hair … Read More
mmm milk beverage!
ok, I don’t know when lactantia came up with this, but now you can buy “milk beverage”. so… instead of grabbing something else (aka ‘real milk’) when I noticed this, I felt like I just *had* to buy it! (I’m not the only one attracted by sketchy labeling, am I?) sketchiness was further exacerbated by being in the strange greek … Read More
“jw i am sleepy and tired. i biked today.i need a blinky light and a new lock. i hope you stay in mtl this summer so we can play frisbee and bike. sv” that was the extent of an email I just got, but it made me smile. this is a good week for people doing simple things that make … Read More
who could not be in a good mood today, a sunny spring day? on my way to pick up some chocolate croissants (the best I’ve had in the city) at van horne bagel on victoria, I saw my first scraggily squirrel scampering about… and this pic, on my way to school: setting up tables outside! (so what if it’s on … Read More
happy birthday SD!
here is my present to you: (for those who can’t tell: it’s a picture of a dog with little booties and goggles and a monkey on it’s back. duh.)
pics of 峨眉山
I’m finally posting a small fraction of the pictures taken in the verdant mountains of sichuan province. sichuan has my absolutely favourite style of food, and was where I’ve seen the most beautiful scenery of my life (of which this monkey is not representative)–as we entered the province by train, the bustling chattering car was silenced for about an hour … Read More