ok, I don’t know when lactantia came up with this, but now you can buy “milk beverage”.
so… instead of grabbing something else (aka ‘real milk’) when I noticed this, I felt like I just *had* to buy it! (I’m not the only one attracted by sketchy labeling, am I?) sketchiness was further exacerbated by being in the strange greek store by our place.

we’ll see how beverage-y my cereal tastes in the morning.
Saw a certain ‘milk beverage’ too, in HK last summer, alongside ‘real milk’. Over there, you could definitely notice the diff, only b/c their real milk is so much richer than the thing that passes for milk in Canada (not to mention much more expensive – I guess milk cows don’t have as much land in South China…).
Come come – it’s the old real cheese vs cheese food product connundrum that afflicts all of us every day. I’m off to quiver in a corner, surrounded by product.