nothing beats studying at home.

24-hour exam handed in, so my first class done! economic, social & cultural rights. it was great, so glad I came early for it… sort of a crash course on human rights in the UN system, and more importantly I got to read up on the right to development. Worth reading: Amartya Sen (Development as Freedom), Asbjorn Eide (ESCR as Human Rights), Arjun Sengupta (Development Co-operation and the Right to Development), Human Development Report 2000.
I am also quite pleased at my latest buy: from Blackstone’s Statutes series, the 7th ed of International Law Documents. it’s got the UDHR, it’s got the ICCPR & ICESCR, it’s got the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks (IPUNCLOSRCMSFSHMFS??)… haven’t been so happy to buy a book of statutes since I don’t know when.
oh, and I happened to go to a law fair this past weekend. same old crap. except it was at the exhibition centre, not at the school. and more international firms. and nicer suits (HK people just know how to wear their suits.) still not as thrilling as my ESCR course, but instructive. and I got to re-stock my stationery supplies.