moot suit

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everyone is freaking out at school (I mean, more than usual)–all because we have a factum to prepare for tuesday (the prof called it our ‘valentine’ for her, the humour of which was lost on us). Anyway we get to moot it in a few weeks, which should be fun. And what exactly do I get to research? … Aujourd’hui, … Read More

stormtrooper in tokyo

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this is way too funny… a blog chronicling jaunts through tokyo dressed as a stormtrooper (with videos too!) “Even a Stormtrooper needs some grub from time to time and what better than a bowl of Ramen (noodles). Eating in the armor can be a bit tough but if you can find a place with stools instead of chairs then you … Read More

did I just hear that right?

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Jeffrey Sachs, who works on economics and poverty reduction (whose writing had largely influenced my decision to law school), just said on that one ‘technological solution’ to address climate change from atmospheric carbon dioxide is capturing CO2 from coal-burning plants and pumping it to a safe-place underground so that it doesn’t affect the atmosphere. wtf!

yasukuni again

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ok, I’ve been trying to stay neutral in this whole japan-china national sentiment thing, but the japanese foreign minister saying the emperor should visit the yasukuni shrine is just ridiculous. I don’t get how the Japanese government still can’t see this has a giant PR disaster.

afghan parliament

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A female MP, Malalai Joya, who had the temerity to rail against the ‘criminal warlords’ in the assembly, has received death threats. Two elected candidates were murdered before the parliament convened. Last month, the government wisely suspended what had become known as the ‘assassination clause’, which decreed that MPs who die in office should be replaced by the candidate who … Read More

an early day

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I don’t feel jetlagged, but my propensity to get up at 3 am would suggest otherwise. In my defense, I fell asleep early last night watching the federal election (english) debates. The french debate is tonight. I’ll probably fall asleep again.

i love wikipedia

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online encyclopaedia Wikipedia has tightened its submission rules following a complaint (BBC) and the economist’s special report (on Canada!) this week aptly changed the s. 91 POGG to “Peace, Order and Rocky Government”. Which makes me think, damn, they’re getting good journalists to dig *that* one out — I’m not even sure most people here have heard of POGG… (what … Read More

all because some dude was protesting logging

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In the constitutional arrangements passed on to us by the British and recognized by the preamble to the Constitution Act, 1867, the provincial superior courts are the foundation of the rule of law itself. Governance by rule of law requires a judicial system that can ensure its orders are enforced and its process respected. In Canada, the provincial superior court … Read More


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not much to say. my shoulders hurt from studying. but I definitely cannot complain after reading this incredible article by this woman graduating from our faculty, who has 3 kids, and… damn, I can’t find it online. maybe because she used the work fuck a lot? who knows. well, for your reading pleasure: have a look at our faculty’s weekly … Read More

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