uyghur resto hotpot

posted in: food, montreal 2
spicy hotpot
spicy hotpot

back at that xinjiang restaurant on st-laurent in chinatown. the hotpot was pretty good as far as what I’ve had in montreal. interesting because it was spicy with a reminder of that flavouring they use on 羊肉串 (lamb kebabs)–probably just cumin, but still makes it taste vaguely exotic. or addictive. or whatever.

[did I ever mention the urban legend of how in sichuan they would put opium in their hotpot to keep their customers coming back? sadly illegal now.] 😉

but, as you could probably tell from the picture, the food wasn’t enough. and a bit pricey. but cannot complain, since there are no longer any alternative uyghur restaurants in town–the one on côte-des-neiges seems to have disappeared. must be the fierce, fierce competition. of the always empty gigantic restaurant on st-laurent.

I’m still dying to find a real sichuan restaurant in montreal. maybe I’ll just have to suck it up and go to toronto to gorge myself one weekend…

2 Responses

  1. Ced

    Woaw, hotpot in the midst of summer. Now that’s courageous!

    I’ve heard of one that’s on Queen-Mary, but my reference is a bit far to fetch. One of my friends who can read Chinese found it on a bulletin board at a certain “Sino-Quebec” site. Maybe I’ve mentionned this to you before… so if I did, found anything interesting? 😛

  2. xw

    sounds vaguely familiar… do you mean a sichuan place, or a uyghur place? (I did notice a chinese restaurant on queen mary a few days ago, but I didn’t think it was anything special). at any rate, the cote-des-neiges uyghur place is now a hotpot restaurant. 🙁