after playing badminton, ran into K in the metro. was getting quite late so we just grabbed some hoppers and this über spicy shredded coconut thing (which strangely looked exactly like the dried shredded pork you can get at chinese grocery stores) at restaurant jolee on victoria. couldn’t really go wrong at $3.50 for food that will last both of us for at least three meals.

amazing how familiar-looking sri lankan food can be. the hoppers are the vermicelli-looking things that you can use to scoop up other food with (K corrects me: they’re patties–not noodles–made from red rice). in addition to the coconut stuff we also took a frozen roti pancake and fried it up with chilis and egg–our own little 蛋饼.
which reminds me, we bought this indian version of frozen 葱油饼 (green onion pancakes) from marché victoria (cheap!! cheap!), and it was phenomenal–way better than any other I’ve tasted. but then, everything at marché victoria is awesome, right?
here’s a pretty good description of restaurant jolee.