free… at last?

posted in: montreal 0

who knew I’d be slower without crutches?!

yes, yesterday I finally got rid of the damn things. the doctor said to go cold turkey: no cane. I’m wearing this walking boot (about as big as a ski boot) that doesn’t let me bend my foot past 90 deg. and moving very… awkwardly.

So I need to get used to walking not with my arms but with legs again, and I am ultra-slow. but it’s no matter, I can hold an umbrella! and the callouses on my palms and the bruises under my armpits will start to fade away (along with my massive triceps and right leg!) and I can drink my (much needed) coffee as I limp to class! ahh, life is beautiful again…

and to celebrate the casting off:

un pack c'est mieux
un pack c'est mieux

if you don’t get it, it’s based on the milk ad that runs in quebec: “un verre de lait c’est bien, mais deux c’est mieux”.

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