
posted in: montreal 0

was walking down the street when I heard some beats–I followed the sound to the côte-des-neiges community centre and found a breakdance competition going on organized by csmooth.

I saw a 3-corner solo contest and the finals for the b-boys/b-girls (under 18) competition. amazing skill not only for the improvisation, but also for timing: knowing when the guy dancing is finishing and passing to you (sorta like jazz improv). and better if you can anticipate how the music’s going to mix with your moves. during one of the breaks the judges came on and did some rounds–these guys were in their 40’s, but man could they move (flips, spins, and this wicked slide into a headstand thing…)

it was so damn sweet, I wish I had my camera on me. guess a random web pic will have to do:

the crowd was of all ages and an even mix of white, yellow, brown, black–you name it. I feel most comfortable in this sort of group, with no visible minority or majority. but I guess that’s why I live in this neighbourhood.