paul wolfowitz
a somewhat surprising profile of the president of the world bank by the new yorker.
a somewhat surprising profile of the president of the world bank by the new yorker.
Nash equilibrium: Named after U.S. mathematician John Nash (1928-). In game theory, a concept where each player’s best strategy is to maintain her present (non-cooperative) behaviour given the present behaviour of the other players. oh what a beautiful mind. creative destruction: Coined by economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950). The elimination of one product by a superior product, the process of competition … Read More
catching up on news: jk galbraith passed away last week. unbelievable how many books he wrote over his lifetime. “Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everybody gets busy on the proof.” as I keep intending to go to the bookstore–but consistently fail to do so–my list of … Read More
it made me happy to read this, in between all the regular grimness. And even though there may be some evil corporate agenda behind it, or the peanuts are picked by slave labour, or whatever (damn this constant scrutinizing of news stories), I don’t want to think about it. The wonders of Plumpy’nut: Saving lives with peanut butter (The Economist)