S and I got our hair cut at tornade today. she asked a few of us if we were up to getting our hair cut for six bucks, and apparently I was the only one up for it. so it’s either an asian thing or an engineering thing, we both aren’t sure.

mentor/teacher, coiffee, coiffeuse-in-training
anyway, tornade is a hair salon school, and all the hairdressers had really funky haircuts/dyes… it was nice to see people with fresh style again. not that people in law school don’t have style, but it does tend to be kinda uniform (how often do I need to see students wearing collared shirts with sweaters or jackets anyway). I can feel myself dressing more conservative already…
and yes, I’m happy with my haircut–medium length, choppy ends
(the last time I got my hair cut was in calgary)
(in 2004)
(yes, it was really short)
I just emailed you asking if you finally got it cut, then I realized I should have checked here first. Way to put a picture of S and none of you.
On /your/ blog.
well it happens that I was the only one with a camera at the time. how convenient. 🙂