April 5th was tomb-sweeping day, so I went for a walk to the chinese christian cemetery about 10 minutes up the hill from my residence.
(yes, this is how they build cemeteries in hilly terrain such as hong kong.)
below, you can see a sweeper leaving the group on the left, after having done her job (sweepers carry both a broom and a watering can).
people use this day to pay respects to the departed, whole families huddling around graves. One group distributed sheets of music among themselves and started singing to the grave (I guess it was a fav song?).
this holiday happily coincided with easter to make a 5-day weekend–and the upshot of being in HK has been no bombardments of chocolate bunnies. I guess Li Ka Shing hasn’t gotten on that bandwagon yet… though he does have an ad outside the cemetery.