my first fjord!

posted in: travel 1

While Oslo is technically in a fjord (as defined by wikipedia), the Oslofjord is not all that impressive. But after this weekend, I can finally say that I have been to a real movie-worthy Norwegian fjord!

A couple of hours away from Stavanger (on the southwest coast of Norway) is Lysefjord:
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To get to the start-off point of Öygardstöl (strangely with a Swedish spelling), you first have to drive past hundreds of sheep and then get carsick several times from the small winding road (which looks very much like a single lane to me, but somehow accommodates two-way traffic). At this point you park your car and start hiking. After a strenuous 2.5 hour climb (a mere stroll by Norwegian standards), you will reach this beautiful view at Kjerag:

But even better is this, the famous Kjeragbolten

Just don’t ask about the hike down.

  1. Meg

    Ah, yes, the deceptive hike down. People always think going up is the hard part, but I’ve found after numerous trips up, that going back down is always more treacherous.