syltetøy… and banos

posted in: food, oslo 0

so far my favourite foodstuff in Norway has been… jam! it’s more fruity and has less of that artificial gelatin consistency than what I’m used to, which means it’s easier to use a spoon with this stuff than a knife. our cupboard is currently stocked with apricot, strawberry, raspberry, and (deliciously chunky) apple jam–and with a higher turnover rate than … Read More

tourist oslo

posted in: oslo 0

Photos from the city tour organized by the Oslo International Summer School during my first weekend in town: Vigeland’s Park (filled with statues created by a single artist), the Viking Museum, City Hall (where the Nobel Peace Prize is presented each year), and the wonderful Oslo Opera House (designed to look like an iceberg from the outside).

squeezable food

posted in: food, oslo 0

I am currently taking a Norwegian course at the University of Oslo, and each day during our mid-class break I look for a treat at the cafeteria. Amongst the chocolate, waffles, and buns, you can also find conveniently-sized-but-overpackaged nugatti (nutella) in a tube: though this doesn’t look half as exciting as the “mini kaviar”! oooooooooh (unfortunately I discovered later that … Read More

hallo oslo

posted in: oslo, travel 1

in oslo on holiday before heading to hanoi. the city is quite walkable (small, with a population of about half a million), pretty, and yes, cold (ok, maybe I’m just complaining, but it’s about 15 degrees here).   can you imagine actually having civilized public transportation? get this: stops for both trams and buses have signs indicating how many minutes … Read More

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