We’ve watched with dismay as Putin went in to invade the Ukraine. Being in Taiwan, the parallels between Russia/Ukraine and China/Taiwan is a hot topic — but of course, they are not exactly the same. All that aside, I would say that the plight of Ukrainians has garnered a lot of sympathy in Taiwan (one organization reportedly raised NT$214 million (about US$7.5 million) in 3 days), no doubt at least partly because it’s so easy to imagine that unimaginable scenario playing out here.
There have been daily protests outside the Russian trade office in Xinyi district, some days more well attended than others…
Yesterday, a much larger event was organized at Liberty Square (a.k.a. Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall). (News coverage here.)
I’m not sure how this war will end. It’s hard to see how it can end well, but there’s always hope.